Dixon David Dr

105-22561 Dewdney Trunk Rd, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3K1
Telephone: 604-477-0999

Providing Expert Podiatry Care for Over 25 Years

Dixon Foot Clinics is a podiatry practice specializing in the treatment of foot and ankle conditions. With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Dixon is a leading podiatrist in North Vancouver and Maple Ridge. The clinics offer a range of services including routine foot care, nail condition treatment, surgical corrections, heel and joint pain diagnosis and treatment, diabetic foot and wound care, arthritic condition care, biomechanical evaluation and custom orthotics, and treatment for bunions, hammertoes, and neuromas.
podiatry, foot care, ankle conditions, nail treatment, surgical corrections, heel pain, joint pain, diabetic foot care, wound care, arthritic conditions, biomechanical evaluation, custom orthotics, bunions, hammertoes, neuromas